8 research outputs found

    Condor services for the Global Grid:interoperability between Condor and OGSA

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    In order for existing grid middleware to remain viable it is important to investigate their potentialfor integration with emerging grid standards and architectural schemes. The Open Grid ServicesArchitecture (OGSA), developed by the Globus Alliance and based on standard XML-based webservices technology, was the first attempt to identify the architectural components required tomigrate towards standardized global grid service delivery. This paper presents an investigation intothe integration of Condor, a widely adopted and sophisticated high-throughput computing softwarepackage, and OGSA; with the aim of bringing Condor in line with advances in Grid computing andprovide the Grid community with a mature suite of high-throughput computing job and resourcemanagement services. This report identifies mappings between elements of the OGSA and Condorinfrastructures, potential areas of conflict, and defines a set of complementary architectural optionsby which individual Condor services can be exposed as OGSA Grid services, in order to achieve aseamless integration of Condor resources in a standardized grid environment

    Condor Birdbath: Web Service interfaces to condor

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    The grid community has been migrating towards service-oriented architectures as means of exposing and interacting with computational resources across organizational boundaries. The adoption of Web Service standards provides us with an increased level of manageability, extensibility and interoperability between loosely coupled services that is crucial to the development of a grid infrastructure spanning multiple organizations and incorporating a wide range of different services. Providing support for Web Services in existing middleware and tools would ensure open interoperability with future mainstream grid developments. We cover in this paper the work that we have done in incorporating Web Service support into Condor – a widely adopted and sophisticated high-throughput computing software package, and present an overview of the motivations, implementation and achievements of this work. In order to demonstrate Condor’s new capabilities, we also present work that we have done in adapting GridSAM, a Web- Service based job submission and monitoring system that endorses the emerging Job Submission Description Language (JSDL) standard, in order for it to interact with Condor through its Web Service API – as well as demonstrate the use of this combination of services to deploy real-world scientific workflows in the context of the e-Minerals project using the Web Service based workflow specification standard BPEL (Business Process Execution Language)

    > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < Building Grid Portal Applications from a Web- Service Component Architecture

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    Abstract—This paper describes an approach to building Grid applications based on the premise that users who wish to access and run these applications prefer to do so without becoming experts on Grid technology. We describe an application architecture based on wrapping user applications and application workflows as web services and web service resources. These services are visible to the users and to resource providers through a family of Grid portal components that can be used to configure, launch and monitor complex applications in the scientific language of the end user. The applications in this model are instantiated by an application factory service. The layered design of the architecture makes it possible for an expert to configure an application factory service with a custom user interface client that may be dynamical loaded into the portal